Monday, 5 January 2015

Waje is Now a Pastor..Read her Early Morning Sermon on Instagram

I wont be surprised to see her open a church one day like Soul Damn, she knows the bible so well. She said. "The blood must be preached". Does this mean that she will continue to preach about the blood of Jesus? Read her early Instagram sermon below:

"We did not need the blood only for when we cried out to the Lord to come into our hearts by faith. On the contrary, we still need that same blood today. All our strength and nourishment and every promise and miracle must flow to us through the blood. It gives us life from day to day!

We have lost our teaching of the blood in this age of Pentecostalism. We have learned about the Spirit of God, but we failed to teach about the blood. Consequently, we have produced a generation of believers who are empowered by the Spirit but do not feel forgiven! They are operating in the gifts, but living in guilt! #flourish2015

The blood must be preached. Without it we have no life. Why are we wasting the power of God on the problems of our past? The blood has already totally destroyed past bondages that held us down! It was through the eternal Spirit of God that Jesus was able to offer up His blood. There can be no Pentecost where there is no Passover!"

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